So, the eighteenth day of the 66 day 5AM Club challenge and I’m still on board. Although I have started the day at 7:30AM again. Not good I know, but what can I do? Start flogging myself? Punish myself in some way? 😜 I’m still just as committed as I was when I first started this journey. I just need to push harder, make this work and work it properly.
7:30AM Get moving: I haven’t been using the alarm lately which is part of the reason why I’ve been having so many late days. So, another 730 start. I actually like this time in the morning.
I pushed through the 200 push ups and 100 sit ups. I also did some aerobic work and I got my body sweating. Mission accomplished.
I then took a shower rather than just moving straight onto the next 20 minute block. Again I’m experimenting with cold water. All I can manage to do for now is quickly put the cold shower all over me for literally a couple of seconds, which still causes me to almost stop breathing as it’s such a shock! And then I put the cold water on the lower half of my body for a couple of minutes. I start to relax and breathe more calmly even though the freezing water is covering my lower half.
8:05AM Chill: Again I focused on the daily diary for the first ten minutes as I find it such a worthwhile task. Words weren’t really coming today so I mostly wrote my 5 affirmations that I use at least every morning when I wake up and at night before I sleep.
The second ten minutes I used to imagine the life that I wish to live. Writing about it as if I’m living it now. Picturing every little detail and feeling the moment. Basically using the law of attraction to make my dreams reality.
8:25AM Read and learn: I’m still reading the Scott Carney book called What Doesn’t Kill Us. He was talking more about evolution and how our body has changed through the use of fire, tools and technology.
Something else he talks about is brown fat. It comes and goes with seasons, but it’s said to be an active fat that will heat us up when our body drops below a certain temperature. It’ll burn up our white fat to keep our body warm when we’re out in very cold weather.
So people who spend a lot of time outdoors in very cold temperatures will have more of this brown fat stored than those who stay inside in front of the heater all day. Which means you could actually acclimatize your body to withstand extreme temperatures.
18th Day of the 5AM Club Morning Routine
I’ve been trying to wake up at 5AM this week without using the alarm. It’s worked a couple of times but I’m mostly failing to wake up on time. I’ve decided I should first establish the 5AM habit WITH the alarm before I try doing it without the alarm. It was a silly experiment and I probably only did it because I knew it would fail and I would get a couple of extra hours sleep! I know how I work lol 😋
Exercise: 200 push ups, 100 sit ups. I didn’t go walking in the afternoon as I took my cat to the vet to be desexed (spayed).
Diet: I did have an Iskender kebab for lunch but I just had some green beans for dinner. Wasn’t too bad today.
How Could I Improve?
I’m doing well, just keep going. I know I’m failing a lot, but I’m succeeding more. All I’m trying to do is to continually improve a little bit every week, every month, every year. The daily improvements add up over time. I’m improving so I’m succeeding. Could I do better? Yes, of course.
Conclusion for Day 18 of the 5AM Club Morning Routine
I’m very happy with my progress and would recommend others to give this a try. Get a copy of Robin Sharma’s book the 5AM Club and try it for yourself.
If you look at my record over the 18 days that I have done this morning routine you will probably see that I’ve failed to get up at 5AM more times than I have woken up on time. But, I’m up early every day, I’m starting the day with one hour of goodness, and my days are radically better than they were before I started this experience.
To see my previous day of the 5AM Club experience go here. Have you read the 5AM Club book yet? Let me know in the comments.
[…] Day 18 of the 5AM Club (Mostly good) – It was a 7:30AM wake up but still a successful day. […]