Until very recently I had never read a book by Robin Sharma. I had heard of his popular “The Monk who sold his Ferrari” book and always meant to read it “someday” but someday never came around. A friend started reading one of his more recent books called the 5am club and she really liked it, so I have borrowed it and I really recommend it.
I almost wasn’t going to read it as I’m not a morning person, or at least that’s what I have conditioned myself to believe. I’m also not big on fiction as I just want the information given to me in as few words as possible as simply as possible. The 5am Club follows a few characters going through a transformational period in their life and Sharma shares his ideas with us by teaching the “artist” and the “entrepreneur” about the 5am method.
You should check it out, even if you think you’re not a morning person.
So, here’s some famous quotes by Robin Sharma. Not just from his 5AM Club book but also from his other books and interviews. Enjoy my friend! 🙏
Top 10 Famous Robin Sharma Quotes on Mindset and Life
The moment I stopped spending so much time chasing the big pleasure of life. I began to enjoy the little ones, like watching the stars dancing in moonlit sky or soaking in the sunbeams of a glorious summer morning.
Don’t confuse activity with productivity. Many people are simply busy being busy.
Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. it will not only improve your life, it will improve the lives of all those around you.
Ordinary people love entertainment. Extraordinary people adore education.
Push yourself to do more and to experience more. Harness your energy to start expanding your dreams. Yes, expand your dreams. Don’t accept a life of mediocrity when you hold such infinite potential within the fortress of your mind. Dare to tap into your greatness.
Dreamers are mocked as impractical. The truth is they are the most practical, as their innovations lead to progress and a better way of life for all of us.
Having talent is fantastic. Having confidence is even more important.
You can’t make someone feel good about themselves until you feel good about yourself.
Worry drains the mind of its power and, sooner or later, it injures the soul.
If you want to have the results only 5% have, you must be willing to do and think like only 5% do and think.
Let me know what you think about the Robin Sharma quotes in the comments below. Feel free to share some of your favorite quotes or ideas by the man too. Also, should I read the Monk who sold his Ferrari? I loved the 5AM Club book and plan to re-read and adopt a lot of his methods, especially the 5AM wake up time and the hour of power first thing in the morning using the 20-20-20 system.
So, I hope you’re having a wonderful day. I hope you enjoyed reading the quotes by Robin Sharma and I hope they made you think.
Have a listen to my Morning Routine video on my Youtube channel.
[…] a few Robin Sharma quotes that I posted a few days ago. They’re not just from the 5AM club book though, they’re […]