Just a reminder, you deserve to be wealthy. Having more money gives you more freedom, allows you more experiences, gives you choices, and if you still think money isn’t good then you can give it to one of your favorite causes. It’s really good programming to believe that money is not good as it’s equal to saying freedom and choice is not good.

So, now that we all agree that money is good.. right? Yes, money is great! Here’s a few wealth affirmations to create a money mindset. We can’t have feelings of guilt about money or think that it’s evil and still attract it into our lives in abundance. We have to feel great about money and know that having an abundance of of wealth will improve our lives.
- I Deserve the Best
- I AM Wealthy
- I Love being Rich
- I AM a Money Magnet
- I AM a Millionaire
Say them morning and night, with feeling and passion. Feel the affirmations as achieved in the present tense. So you are wealthy today, you love being rich today, you are a money magnet today, and you are a millionaire now, today, this minute. Say the affirmations with confidence and strength.
Check out one of my more popular Wealth Affirmation videos on my Youtube channel. It’s 55 wealth affirmations repeated 5 times. Check out the money affirmations in the description of the video before watching it so that you know what is being said. It’s super-important to trust and agree with what is being said before allowing it into our minds. It’s why I don’t own a television.
Feel free to share these Wealth Affirmations on your favorite social media platform.
Thank you
Lots of love
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